Finney Family raise over £4,000 for BWitC

Saturday 4 May saw the Finney Family host their hugely successful third annual fundraising event. The sell out event saw 230 tickets sold and £8,100 raised on behalf of Bolton Wanderers in the Community and Childhood Eye Cancer Trust.

The annual event is hosted in honor of their son, AJ, who was diagnosed with a rare type of eye cancer, retinoblastoma, in November 2021. Just one day after his first birthday, AJ underwent surgery to remove his right eye, which thankfully effectively removed the cancerous tumor. As a thank you for the support they received, AJ’s family vowed from May 2022 to give back to the organisations that stood by them during their most challenging times: the Childhood Eye Cancer Trust and Bolton Wanderers in the Community.

This year’s event saw standout performances from comedians and Britain’s Got Talent finalists, Ben Nickless and Steve Royle. The evening was a resounding success, with all 230 tickets selling out and an impressive £8,100 raised in total to be split between the two charities. “It is an honour for us to raise funds for these two charities each year,” said AJ’s family. “If it allows the charities to help just one other family to be comforted during the hardest time of their lives, then we’ve done our job.”

The Finney Family and their Company, AJF Commercial, have been a key supporter of Bolton Wanderers in the Community for the past eight years, with their monthly donation scheme helping us continue delivering our Health, Wellbeing and Disability projects. Richard Slater, Head of Community at Bolton Wanderers in the Community, thanked the family saying “We are extremely grateful for the donation received from the family’s third fundraising event. The amount of hard work undertaken to organise and run this successful event by Alex, Tasha, Andrea and Nigel is testament to their dedication to both AJ and the charities supported.”

“They have been supporters of Bolton Wanderers in the Community now for over eight years and are one of the biggest advocates for our work. I’d like to thank everyone that contributed to making the night a success and for their generous donations and contributions on the night.”

For more information on how AJF Commercial supports our charity visit